Programming Language Concept – Chapter 7

Review Question

1. Define operator precedence and operator associativity.

answer: operator precedence = expression evaluation partially define the order in which the operators of different precedence levels are evaluated. operator associativity = When an expression contains two adjacent occurrences of operators with the same level of precedence, the question of which operator is evaluated first

3.What is a prefix operator?

answer: the operator precede the operands

5. What operator usually has right associativity?

asnwer: the indices never need to be stored

6. What associativity rules are used by APL?

answer: all operators have the same level of precedence. Thus, the order of evaluation of operators in APL expressions is determined entirely by the associativity rule, which is right to left for all operators.

8. Define functional side effect.

answer: A side effect of a function, naturally called a functional side effect,occurs when the function changes either one of its parameters or a global variable. (A global variable is declared outside the function but is accessible in the function).

9. What is a coercion?

answer: an implicit type conversion that is initiated by the compiler

10. What is an overloaded operator?

answer: This multiple use of an operator and is generally thought to be acceptable, as long as neither readability nor reliability suffers.

14. What is a mixed-mode expression?

answer: Languages that allow arithmetic expressions is whether an operator can have operands of different types

15. What is referential transparency?

answer: two expressions in the program that have the same value can be substituted for one another anywhere in the program, without affecting the action of the program

Problem Set

1. When might you want the compiler to ignore type differences in an expression?

answer: run time

3.Do you think the elimination of overloaded operators in your favorite language would be beneficial?Why or why not?

answer: no, because operator need to multiply use the operator, so it won’t be hard to use the operator again and again

4. Would it be a good idea to eliminate all operator precedence rules and
require parentheses to show the desired precedence in expressions? Why
or why not?

answer: no, because it partially define the order in which the operators of different precedence levels are evaluated

14. What is your primary argument against (or for) the operator precedence
rules of APL?

answer: The operator precedence rules of the common imperative languages are nearly all the same, because they are based on those of mathematics.

15. Explain why it is difficult to eliminate functional side effect in C.

answer: Because C programming is sensitive and it not detecting where is functional side effect. The operator precedence rules of the common imperative languages are nearly all the same, because they are based on those of mathematics.

Programming Language Concept – Chapter 6


1. Descriptor is the collection of the attributes of a variable.

4. 3 string length option

First, the length can be static and set when the string is created. Such a string is called a static length string.

Second option is to allow strings to have varying length up to a
declared and fixed maximum set by the variable’s definition, as exemplified
by the strings in C and the C-style strings of C++. These are called limited
dynamic length strings.

Third option is to allow strings to have varying length with no maximum,
as in JavaScript, Perl, and the standard C++ library. These are called
dynamic length strings.

10.what happens when a nonexistent element f an array is referenced in Perl?

undefine, but no error is reported

12. Language that supports negative subscripts is Perl

22. A fully qualified reference to a record field is one in which all intermediate

record names, from the largest enclosing record to the specific field, are

named in the reference.

Elliptical references to record fields. In an elliptical reference,
the field is named, but any or all of the enclosing record names can be omitted,
as long as the resulting reference is unambiguous in the referencing environment.

30. A list comprehension in Phyton is an idea derived from set notation. It first

appeared in the functional programming language Haskell.
The mechanics of a list comprehension is that a function is applied to each of
the elements of a given array and a new array is constructed from the results.

43. Compatible type is one that either is legal for the operator or is allowed under language rules to be implicitly converted by compiler-generated code (or the interpreter) to a legal type.

49. C and C++ are not strongly typed because both include union types, which are not type checked.


5. What disadvantages are there in implicit dereferencing of pointers,
but only in certain contexts? For example, consider the implicit deref-erence of a pointer to a record in Ada when it is used to reference a
record field.

When implicit dereferencing of pointers occurs only in certain contexts, it makes the
language slightly less orthogonal. The context of the reference to the pointer determines
its meaning. This detracts from the readability of the language and makes it slightly more
difficult to learn

11. In the Burroughs Extended ALGOL language, matrices are stored as a
single-dimensioned array of pointers to the rows of the matrix, which are
treated as single-dimensioned arrays of values. What are the advantages
and disadvantages of such a scheme?

The advantage of this scheme is that accesses that are done in order of the rows can
be made very fast; once the pointer to a row is gotten, all of the elements of the row can
be fetched very quickly. If, however, the elements of a matrix must be accessed in
column order, these accesses will be much slower; every access requires the fetch of a
row pointer and an address computation from there. Note that this access technique was
devised to allow multidimensional array rows to be segments in a virtual storage
management technique. Using this method, multidimensional arrays could be stored and
manipulated that are much larger than the physical memory of the computer.

Programming Language Concept – Chapter 5

Review Questions

1. What are the design issues for names?

The following are the primary design issues for names:

– Are names case sensitive?

– Are the special words of the language reserved words or keywords?

2. What is the potential danger of case-sensitive names?

To some people, the problems are about writability and readability. For readability, because names that look very similar in fact denote different entities. For writability, many of the predefined names including both uppercase and lowercase letters.

3. In what way are reserved words better than keywords?

As a language design choice, reserved words are better than keywords because the ability to redefine keywords can be confusing.

4. What is an alias?

Aliases are the variables when more than one variable name can be used to access the same memory location.

6. What is the l-value of a variable? What is the r-value?
l-value = address of a variable
r-value = variable’s value

7. Define binding and binding time.
binding = an association between an attribute and an entity, such as
between a variable and its type or value, or between an operation and a sym-bol.
binding time = the time at which a binding takes place

9. define static binding and dynamic binding!

static if it first occurs before run time begins and remains unchanged throughout program execution.

dynamic if the binding first occurs during run time or can change in the course of program execution

13.define lifetime,scope,static scope, dynamic scope!

– lifetime is the time during which the variable is bound to a specific memory location.

– scope is the range of statements in which the variable is visible.

– static scope is the scope of variable that can be statically determined-that is, prior to execution.

– dynamic scope is based on calling sequence of subprograms, not on their spatial relationship to each other. thus, the scope can be determined only at run time.

18. What is block?
Such vari-ables are typically stack dynamic, so their storage is allocated when the section
is entered and deallocated when the section is exited

Problem Set

2. What is l-value? Write a statement in C language which gives the compile time error “l-value required”.

The address of a variable is called its l-value.


int i = 10, j;

j = i+++++i; // this statement will give compile time error—“ l-value required”

4. Why is the type declaration of a variable necessary? What is the value range of the int type variable in Java?

The type of a variable determines the range of values the variable can store and the set

of operations that are defined for values of the type.

The int type in Java have a value range of –2147483648 to 2147483647.

5. Describe a situation each where static and dynamic binding type is required.

Static binding:

A class with multiple methods that have the same name, but with different parameter

lists, requires static binding to call these methods.

Dynamic binding:

In case of inheritance, if both the base class and the derived class have methods of the

same name with the same parameter list and return type, dynamic binding would be used

to call these methods.

8.a.Assuming statuc scooping, in the following, which decllaration of x is the correct one for a reference to x?
b.Repeat part a, but assume dynamic scoping.
(a) i. Sub1
ii. Sub126
iii. Main
(b) i. Sub1
ii. Sub1
iii. Sub1

9. The differences between top-down and bottom-up parsers:

– Syntax analyzers are either top-down, meaning they construct left most derivations and a parse tree in top-down order, which mean the tree built from the root downward to the leaves.

– Bottom-up meaning case they construct the reverse of a rightmost derivation and a parse tree in bottom-up order, which mean the parse tree is built from leaves upward to the root

Programming Language Concept – Chapter 4

Review Question

3. Define lexemes and token!

answer: Lexemes is the logical groupings that the lexical analyzer collects characters into while tokens is the internal codes for categories of these groupings

6. What is a state transition diagram?

answer: a directed graph that used for lexical analyzers are representations of a class of mathematical machine.

8.What are two distinct goals of syntax analysis?

answer: to detect syntax errors in a given program and to produce a parse tree

11. Describe the parsing problem for a bottom-up parser

answer: to find the substring of the current sentential form that must be reduced to its associated.

17. Why Describe the pairwise disjointness test

answer: tests whether a parsing subprogram can determine which RHS is being parsed on the basis of the next token of input.

24. What was Knuth’s insight in developing the LR parsing technique?

answer: uses the algorithm which is sometimes called Canonical LR

Problem Set

1. Perform the pairwise disjointness test for the following grammar rules.
a. A→aB b cBB
b. B→aB bA aBb
c. C→aaA b caB


(a) FIRST(aB) = {a}, FIRST(b) = {b}, FIRST(cBB) = {c}, Passes the test
(b) FIRST(aB) = {a}, FIRST(bA) = {b}, FIRST(aBb) = {a}, Fails the test
(c) FIRST(aaA) = {a}, FIRST(b) = {b}, FIRST(caB) = {c}, Passes the test
3 . Show a trace of the recursive descent parser given in Section 4.4.1 for the tring a + b * c.


Call lex /* returns a */
Call lex /* returns + */
Call lex /* returns b */
Call lex /* returns * */
Call lex /* returns c */
Call lex /* returns end-of-input */

Programming Language Concept – Chapter 3

Review Question:

3. A language generator is a device that can be used to generate the sentences of a language. We can think of the generator as having a button that produces a sentence of the language every time it is pushed. Because the particular sentence that is produced by a generator when its button is pushed is unpredictable, a generator seems to be a device of limited usefulness as a language descriptor.

4.Suppose we have language L uses an alphabet zigma of character. To define L formally using recognition method, we would need to construct mechanism R called as recognition device, capable of reading strings of characters from alphabet zigma. R would either indicate whether a given input string was or was not in L. In affect R would either accept or reject the given string.

6.  A “left-recursive” grammar means that the parser can get into a loop in the parsing rules without making any progress consuming the input. A grammar is left-recursive if we can find some non-terminal A which will eventually derive a sentential form with itself as the left-symbol.

7. 3 extensions that are common to most EBNFs are

C if-else statement
The use of braces in an RHS to indicate that the enclosed part can be repeated indefinitely or left out altogether
The third common extension deals with multiple-choice options
8. Static semantics is more on the legal forms of programs (syntax rather symantics) and is only indirectly related to the meaning of the programs during execution. Static semantics is so named because the analysis required to check these specifications can be done at compile time. In many cases, the semantic rules of language state its type constraints.

Dynamic semantics is describing the meaning of the programs. Programmers need to know precisely what statements of a language do. Compile writers determine the semantics of a language for which they are writing compilers from English descriptions

12. Attribute grammars are a formal approach both to describing and checking the correctness of the static semantics rules of a program. Although they are not always used in a formal way in compiler design, the basic concepts of attribute grammars are at least informally used in every compiler.

14. Why can machine languages not be used to define statements in operational semantics?

Because the individual steps in the execution of machine language and the resulting changes to the state of machine are too small and too numerous.

15. Describe the two levels of uses of operational semantics.

Natural Operational Semantics : At the highest level, the interest is in the final result of the execution of a complete program.

Structural Operational Semantics : At the lowest level, operational semantics can be used to determine the precise meaning of a program through an examination of the complete sequence of state changes that occur when the program is executed.

27. Loop invariant is some predicate (condition) that holds for every iteration of the loop. Example:

int j = 9;
for(int i=0; i= 0 && i < 10 (because this is the termination condition!) or that j = 0.

28. The use of the wp function is to treat the process of producing a weakest precondition as a function. it is called a predicate transformer because it takes a predicate, or assertion, as a parameter and returns another predicate


8. Prove that the following grammar is ambiguous:

+ |
→ a | b | c

The following two distinct parse tree for the same string prove that the grammar is
a b c a b
+ <A
+ +

10.Describe, in English, the language defined by the following grammar:

→ a | a
→ b | b
→ c | c

The LHS non-terminal S is defined as non-terminal A and non-terminal B and non-terminal C, where non-terminal A can be one or more a’s or one a, where non-terminal B can be one or more b’s or one b, and where non-terminal C can be one or more c’s or one c.

12.Consider the following grammar:
→ a c |
| b
→ c | c
→ d |

Which of the following sentences are in the language generated by this
a. abcd
b. acccbd
c. acccbcc
d. acd
e. accc

The LHS non-terminal S is defined as non-terminal A, terminal a, non-terminal B and terminal b, where non-terminal A can be zero or more b’s or one b, and where non-terminal B can be one or more a’s or one a;

Resulting in one or more b’s or one b, one a, one or more a’s or one a, and one b.

Answers a (baab) and d (bbaab) adhere to this production.

13.Write a grammar for the language consisting of strings that have n
copies of the letter a followed by the same number of copies of the
letter b, where n > 0. For example, the strings ab, aaaabbbb, and
aaaaaaaabbbbbbbb are in the language but a, abb, ba, and aaabb are not


-> a b

(a) (Java do-while) We assume that the logic expression is a single relational
loop: (do body)
if goto out
goto loop
out: …
(b) (Ada for) for I in first .. last loop
I = first
loop: if I end goto out

K= K + step
goto loop
out: …
(e) (C for) for (expr1; expr2; expr3) …
loop: control = evaluate(expr2)
if control == 0 goto out

goto loop
out: …

Programming Language Concept – Chapter 2

Review Questions
1. In what year was Plankalkul designed? In what year was that design published?

2. Mention an interesting feature of Zesu’s programs.
One of the most interesting features of Zuse’s programs was the inclusion
of mathematical expressions showing the current relationships between pro-gram variables

3.What does Plankalkul mean?
program calculus

5.What is the number of bits in a single word of the UNIVAC I’s memory?Who are the bits grouped?
72bits, grouped as 12 six-bit bytes

7.Who developed the Speedcoding system for the IBM 701?
John Backus

8.Who developed Short Code?Why is Short Code called automatic programming?
ohn Mauchly, because it clearly simplified the programming process, but at the expense of
execution time.

9.Under what environmentalconsideration was Fortran developed?Which is the first version of FOrtran?
IBM,Fortran 0

10.What was the most significant feature added to FOrtran I to get Fortran II?
fixed many of the bugs in the Fortran I compilation system and added some significant features to the language, the most important being the independent com-pilation of subroutines

13.Which version of Fortran was the first to have character string handling?
FOrtran IV

19. What was the goal for developing C?
to provide a language in which programs could be organized as they could be organized in SIMULA 67—that is, with classes and inheritance

57. What data type does Java support?

64. What is the primary platform on which C# is used?

65. What are the inputs to an XSLT processor?
an XML data docu-ment and an XSLT document

66. What is the output of an XSLT processor?
transform to another XML document,HTML, plain text

67. What element of the JSTL is related to a subprogram?
Servlet, JSP

68. To what is a JSP document converted by a JSP processor?

69. Where are .jsp files executed?
sevlet container

Problem Set:
1.What features of Fortran IV do you thing would have had the greatest influence on JAVA if the Java designers had been familiar with Fortran?
string handling, logical loop control statements, and an Ifwith an optional Elseclause.

3.Write a short history of Fortran 0, Fortran I, Fortran II, Fortran III.
Fortran 0 =Even before the 704 system was announced in May 1954, plans were begun for
Fortran. By November 1954, John Backus and his group at IBM had produced
the report titled “The IBM Mathematical FORmula TRANslating System:
FORTRAN” (IBM, 1954). This document described the first version of For-tran, which we refer to as Fortran 0, prior to its implementation.

Fortran I=Fortran 0 was modified during the implementation period, which began in
January 1955 and continued until the release of the compiler in April 1957. The
implemented language, which we call Fortran I, is described in the first Fortran
Programmer’s Reference Manual,published in October 1956 (IBM, 1956).

Fortran II=The Fortran II compiler was distributed in the spring of 1958. It fixed many
of the bugs in the Fortran I compilation system and added some significant
features to the language, the most important being the independent com-pilation of subroutines. Without independent compilation, any change in a
program required that the entire program be recompiled.

Fortran IV=A Fortran III was developed, but it was never widely distributed. Fortran IV,
however, became one of the most widely used programming languages of its
time. It evolved over the period 1960 to 1962 and was standardized as For-tran 66 (ANSI, 1966), although that name was rarely used. Fortran IV was an
improvement over Fortran II in many ways.

6.Make an educated guess as to most common syntax error in C programs.
not included “;” , “{” , “}”

5.Which of the three original goals of the Fortran design committee, in your opinion, was most difficult to archieve at that time?
speed of the generated object code

8. Desccribe in detail the two most important reasons, in your opinion, why Speedcoding did not become a very widely used language.
Because of the features in speedcoding, matrix multiplication could be done in 12 Speedcoding instruc-tions and It claimed that problems that could take two weeks to program in machine code could be programmed in a few hours using Speedcoding

13. What is the primary reason why C became more widely used than Fortran?
It provide a language in which programs could be organized as they could be organized

Programming Language Concept Chapter 1

Review Questions:

3. What programming language has dominated scientific computing over the past 50 years?
: Fortran

4. What programming language has dominated bussiness computing over the past 50 years?

5. What programming language has dominated scientific computing over the past 50 years?

6. What language is most of UNIX written?

: C language

10. What language used orthogonality as a primary design criterion?

: Algol 68

15. What is aliasing?
: Aliasing is a situation where the same memory location can be accessed using different names.

16. What is exception handling?
:Exception handling is a way to handle a disruption of a normal flow of instruction by transferring control to special function called handlers.

21. What 2 programming language deficiencies were discovered as a result of the research in software development in the 1970s?
: – Top-down design
  – Stepwise refinement

23. What language was the first to support the three fundamental features of OOP?


30. What are the advantages of using Borland JBuilder?
: Provides an integrated compiler, editor, debugger, and file system for Java development, where all four are accessed through a graphical interface.


Problem Set:

1. Do you believe that solving a problem in a particular algorithmic requires programming language skills? Support your opinion.
: I think the programming language skills will still need to solved some problems, but not all problems have to use the programming language to solve.

2. Who is said to be the first programmer in human history? Use the Internet for help.

: The world’s first computer programmer was Ada Lovelace (10 December 1815 — 27 November 1852).

3. What are the disadvantages of multiple programming language?

: The disadvantage is that you probably will get confused with codes, from one language to another language, because in another language we code with a different style too. 

6. Which characteristic of programming languages do you think are the most important and why?

: Readability, because One of the most important criteria for judging a programming language is the ease with which programs can be read and understood

7. Java uses a semicolon to mark the end of all statements. What are the advantages for and against this design?
: The purpose of using a semicolon to mark the end of all statements in Java is to make the statements unambiguous. Almost all of programming language like C/C++ also use a semicolon to mark the end of all statements. With semicolon, the program will be more clear.

12. Can we call any programming language complete, in your opinion? Why or why not?

: I personally think the programming language these days are still incomplete. Because, there are some words that looks typical to machine language (for example we used cin cout in C++, etc), I think the complete programming language is the language that any human can used easily like human’s daily language. 



Happy new year bloggers! (telat dikit gapapa lah ya)

Kali ini TS mau share info tentang tahun 2013 menurut Kalender Chinese..


Tahun 2013 adalah Tahun Ular, yang dimulai pada tanggal 10 Februari 2013 dan berakhir pada tanggal 30 Januari 2014. Orang yang lahir pada Tahun Ular, menarik dan licik, cukup cerdas dan bijaksana. Mereka adalah mediator yang besar dan baik dalam melakukan bisnis.
Filosuf, ahli teologi, politikus dan ahli moneter yang terkenal, itulah jabatan-jabatan yang cocok bagi Ular, yang memang merupakan pemikir yang paling dalam dan paling misterius dari semua siklus perbintangan Cina. Ia dikaruniai kebijaksanaan secara lahiriah, dan ia sendiri tidak jarang tampak di mata orang sebagai mistik. Pribadi yang anggun dan lemah-lembut dalam berbicara ini, mencintai buku-buku bermutu, makanan lezat, musik merdu dan teater sekaligus. Pendek cerita, ular cenderung menyukai semua yang halus dan indah dalam kehidupan.
Orang shio ular yang terkenal: Audrey Hepburn, Ann-Margret, Anne Rice, Christie Brinkley, Grace Kelly, Elizabeth Hurley, Jacqueline Kennedy, Kim Basinger, Linda McCartney, Liv Tyler, Oprah Winfrey, Ratu Elizabeth I, Sarah Michelle Gellar, dan Sarah Jessica Parker. Lalu dari Indonesia: Fuad Hassan, Ginanjar Kartasasmita, Mochtar Kusumaatmadja, Adam Malik, Arifin C. Noer, Guruh Sukarno Putra, Diana Wuisan, Mochtar Riady, Jimmi Manoppo, Pranajaya.

Nama Cina dari Ular: She.
Tanda Zodiac Cina: Keenam.
Waktu pada hari pemerintahan Ular: 9-11 am.
Tanda dalam Zodiac Barat: Virgo.
Elemen 2013: Air.
Polaritas: Negatif.
Unsur Cosmic Tahun Ular adalah Air, warna – hitam.
Unsur pertanda adalah air yang ditandai dengan mobilitas, dinamisme, dan berubah-ubah.
Batu permata yang cocok: Topaz, Jasper, Bloodstone.
Hadiah yang cocok: Teropong, kartu tarot, minyak wangi, lotion, dan koleksi perangko.
Hobi dan hiburan yang cocok: Belajar astrologi, melukis, touring, dan fotografi.

Tahun Ular Air:


Dalam pakaian Anda bisa memilih warna hitam dan biru gelap. Warna hijau juga akan baik. Wanita akan terlihat sempurna dalam pakaian halus dan ketat. Bagi pria bisa saja menggunakan pakaian yang bermotifkan kulit ular atau variasi lainnya yang berhubungan dengan kulit ular.
So, siapkah brosis menghadapi tahun ular air ini?


Tugas PTI Chapter 15













Multiple Choice






















Short Answer

1.1 One advantage of attending a trade school is time savings. Trade schools teach specific skills instead of requiring students take a broad range of courses in the sciences and humanities. For this reason, students often complete trade school programs in a shorter time than college and university programs.

Upon completion of trade school education, students often receive a certificate.

1.2. Because trade schools offers program primarily in the areas programming such as web design and , development , graphic design, hardware maintenance , networking, personal computer support and security, which is one of the materials that I interested to master it. Besides that attending a trade school is time saving, because trade schools only teach a specific skill instead of requiring. And after complete the education, students will receive a certificate.

2.1 we know about the latest products and services that would be distributed into society for example: equipment, hardware, software, and issues affecting the computer industry.

2.2 the activities such as workshop, seminars, conference, conventions and trade shows.

3.1 reflect on your career goals and interest, asses your background knowledge and experience, research certifications to find those that best match your needs.

3.2 • Self-study: Flexible self-study programs help professionals prepare for certification at their

own pace and supplement other training methods. Self-study requires high motivation and discipline but is the least expensive option. Hundreds of books, videotapes, and computer-based training programs on optical disc are available.

• Online training classes: Online training allows students to set their own pace in an interactive environment and combines the technological advantages of computer-based training with the connectivity of the Internet or a company’s intranet. Online programs can cost about one-third the price of the traditional instructor-led programs.

• Instructor-led training: Instructor-led training is available in a variety of forms, including seminars, which typically are held for several days during a week; boot camps, which immerse students in intensive course work for up to two weeks; and academic style classes, which span a period of several weeks or months. Some sponsors hold their own training sessions and also authorize independent training centers.

• Web resources: The certification sponsor’s Web site generally contains descriptions of the available certifications, with FAQs and links to authorized training and testing centers. Many include detailed course objectives, training guides, sample test questions, chat rooms, and discussion groups. Most sell books and other training resources. Private individuals often set up Web sites to

offer their own views and tips on the testing process.

4.1 the certifications are:

  • Java programmers
  • Mobile applications developers
  • Oracle database managers
  • Programming consultant
  • SQL programmers
  • Web software developers
  • XML developers

Other certification that have related are certifications in networking and web design.

4.2 programmers or developer who need a certifications to ensure their skills, or the certification is required from their companies.

5.1. Hardware certifications vary in scope from a narrow focus with an emphasis on the repair of a specific device to an integrated hardware solution that addresses a company’s current and future computing needs.

5.2  the programmers or developers who want to mastered about hardware, or a hardware engineering who need a certifications for their jobs and etc

Tugas PTI Chapter 14













Multiple Choice






















Short Answer

1.1   coordinating and controlling an organization’s resources. Resources include people, money, materials and information.

1.2   Planning, organizing, leading and controlling


2.1   An information system that is a combination of database, software, and procedures that organizes and allows access to various forms of documents and other  files , including images and multimedia content.

2.2   Type of CMS are information about files and data which called as metadata.


3.1 server virtualization: provides the capability to divide a physical server logically into many virtual servers.

Storage virtualization: provide capability to create a single logical storage device from many physical storage devices.

3.2 cloud computing: is an internet services that provide computing needs to computer users.

Grid computing: combines many servers and or personal computers on a network, such as internet, to act as one large computer

Because by using cloud and grid computing are more economical than building new computing capacity internally. Besides that these technologies provide flexible and massive online computing power.


4.1 E-Retail, Finance, Travel, Entertainment and Media, Health

4.2   * E-Retail: also called e-tail, occurs when retailers use the web to sell their products and services


* Entertainment and media: music, video, news, sporting events, and 3D multiplayer games are a growing part of the web’s future. Newsprints on the web is not replacing the newspaper, but enhancing it and reaching different populations. Ex:,

*Health: many web sites provide u to date medical, fitness, nutrition, or exercise information. Some web sites offer the capability to listen in on health-related seminars and discussion. Ex:, ,


5.1 1. The location of backup data, supplies and equipment

2. the personal responsible for gathering backup resources and transporting them to alternate computer facility

3. a schedule indicating the order in which, and approximately time by which, each application should be up and running.


5.2 back up all the critical resources, the location of the alternate computer facility, enter into a reciprocal back up relationship